Who I am

Passionated freelance Web Architect

Picture of me, taking inspiration

I’m Thibault,
Lead Tech &
Web architect
based in Paris.

After getting my web and e-business master degree, first of my promotion, I've cumulated experiences in very different companies. Always passionated by my work, I've always given it all.

From development to SEO, from server managing to project management, from algorithm to design, from Cloud architecture to Blockchain, I've seen almost all side of my profession. Thanks to this experience, I've decided to help people that doesn't have enough web knowledge to create their showcase website.

Because every one needs and deserves a good website for its business. Because internet users are more and more demanding and difficult to satisfy. I'm offering you to make you own website that match your business and your needs.


Ingénieur Backend - @MangoPay

Paris - France

Feb 2020 - Now

Project management done with SCRUM, in a team of 10 people
•   Study and planning of migration of a .NET API in DotNet Core
•   Development of new features about identity validation within the API
•   Development of new features about risk management within the payment API and the fraud system
•   Migration to 3DSV2 system within our payment API

Lead Backend - @Keakr

Paris - France

Jan 2018 - Jan 2020

Project management done with SCRUM, and later, KANBAN in a team of 3 people
•   Migration of a .NET API in DotNet Core
    - Implementation of an API in C# 7 and DotNet Core 2.1
    - Setting up a CQRS + Event Sourcing architecture for a better scalability
    - Using best practice like layered architecture (onion pattern) so that each component can be commutable
    - Setting up a NoSQL database engine: Arango DB
    - Implementation of a clustered database fail-over system for a better availibility
    - Performance and load studies on each API to respond to hundreds of requests by second very quickly
    - Splitting monolith in different microservices
•   Development of a feature flipping system to improve and allow continuous integration
•   Setting up a complete continuous integration system thanks to Docker, Jenkins et DCOS/Marathon

Engineer, Architect and Developer - @Betclic Everest Group

Paris - France

Nov 2015 - Dec 2017

Project management done in SCRUM, and later, in KANBAN in an international team (France/Malta/Russia) of 15 people.
•  Conception and development of a multi-provider sport offer managing solution (reception, processing, recording).
        -  Conception of the solution architecture (onion architecture, unit of work pattern, SOLID pattern, DRY pattern, IOC via StructureMap...etc).
        -  Implementation of a WebApi using C# and framework .net 4.5.2.
        -  Using RabbitMQ as a messaging and transiting system and processing messages thansk to windows service worker.
        -  Using Dapper with SQL Server to persists data and using stored procedures to request them.
        -  Improving solutions thanks to distributed cache (Redis), task parallelization via Async/Await, load tests, refactoring and code review.
•  Conception and development of a smart odds automatic managing solution depending of users behaviors
•  Frontend development of some admin pages in angular 4 using REST API
•  In charge of the TFS to GIT migration and of the continuous integration implementation process in the whole company (GIT, Sonar, TeamCity)
•  Much into the company technical life by writting technical blog articles and by presenting technical formations...etc.

Web Developer - @1000mercis

Paris - France

Sept 2012 - Jun 2015

Project management done with SCRUM in a team of 3 people
•  Conception and development of a B2C website for new born babies birth list in .NET MVC3/C#/Entity Framework/Solrnet/JQuery/HTML/CSS
        -  Implementation of a payment API (MERCANET by BNP) and development of a complete purchase tunnel.
        -  Conception and development of a complete comptability management tool in the admin side.
        -  Development of an e-commerce product catalog and implementation of the Solrnet indexation engine.
        -  Dévelopment of a moderation tool for catalog products in admin side.
        -  Conception, analysis and development of a commutable architecture. First architecture notions (abstract layers, contracts, facades...etc).
•  Maintenance of other B2C websites in ASP.NET/Javascript

Web Developer - @Advisto

Paris - France

Abr 2012 - Jun 2012

•  Development of different PHP modules for the e-commerce CMS PEEL Shopping
•  Maintenance of the PEEL Shopping e-commerce CMS and development of a brand new version
•  Integration ofvarious client websites with HTML/CSS/jQuery
•  Using bug tracking (Mantis) and versioning (SVN) tools


Web development & E-business master - @ESGI


Sept 2013 - Jul 2015

   SEO, SEA, REST, NodeJS, .NET MVC, NoSQL, BigData...etc.
   Major of promotion.

Web development & E-business licence - @ESGI


Sept 2012 - Jul 2013

   SEO, Web Marketing, UML, Algorithm, PHP5, CMS conception...etc.

IT Sciences DUT - @IUT d'Orsay


Sept 2010 - Jul 2012

   C, C++, Java, 3D development, Algorithm...etc.
   8th of promotion.


Travelling is definitly my greatest passion.
I've already been in Australia, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Iceland...etc.

Also passionated about music, I played guitar in a rock band during 5 years and I'm still much into playing and listening music.

Another great passion of mine is cinema. I'm a movie addict and I never refuse to go watching a movie, from drama to comedia and biopic to thriller.


My Skills & Abilities

Backend side of coding is what user cannot see. Backend side of coding is everything that concerned algorithm, logic and data persistence. I always was more interesting by backend development and its variety of possibilities.

Design Pattern (SOLID/DRY/KISS...)


Architecture (MVC/Onion/CQRS/Clean...)


.NET MVC / .NET Core






SQL Server / MySQL




As a backend side developer, you always have to interact with databases. Database is a great world where optimisation is the main purpose of everything.

Frontend side of coding is what user can immediatly see. Frontend side of coding is all about design, ergonomy and behavior. I always liked to complete my work with some frontend development.





JavaScript / jQuery


Angular / TypeScript






Grunt / Bower


In the frontend world, there are a lot of tools, API and Framework that can help you to do whatever you want in an easier and cleaner way.

I obviously have many more other skills but maybe I sould let a bit of mystery. Finally, here are some other usefull things I know and you can rely on.

AGILE methods (Scrum / Kanban)


Git / TFS




